The Word Pain

Whats the greatest sign of life,

the greatest thing that god gave us,

to makes realize we still alive,

something that you feel all around your body,

the thing that is unexpected but when it hits,

you say wow I am alive, I cant be dead,

because this feeling is so great, it keeps me awake,

the thing left and great is pain, the suffering feeling.

The pain all over your body,

the one that makes you cry, scream and shout if you feeling them and doing them,

then you are much a live,

the greatest thing that our lord gave us to tell us we still in this earth,

since we are born a slap on the behind,

the pain makes us cry , the doctor so happy hands it to the mother,

is a boy or girl, mother cries,

all I wanted for is to be alive,

pain, the word, the feeling that makes your eyes cry,

but with out it,

how can you tell when you are a ghost wondering around,

or a human surviving the world!

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