Is there a place

Today I want to rest

where the horizon is green instead of gray,

feel the soft plains and not complain,

receive the aroma of roses and flowers

not aroma of death,

touch the soft flower

so beautifully growing

and receiving light,

instead of holding

a brother on my arms,

his shirt is white,

now stain with red,

gasping for air,

no flowers there,

simply burn powder,

his skies unlike mines

turn color gray,

speak to its beautiful form,

so sweet you are,

I shall seat here

and observe you bloom,

instead of saying

in heaven ill see you soon,

observe the rays of light,

marked with rainbows up above,

weather nice and warm,

simply dancing in the woods,

with colorful colors,

without a plant in your system,

rest in a great place,

feel secure and smile all day,

a simple cartoon scene,

for when I awake,

react right away,

the plains grow with dead roots,

sun rays covered by the clouds,

no where is safe,

so you close your eyes,

ponder in your mind,

for a perfect place,

where you can rest,

see sunshine and not complain


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