Daily Facade (Such a Mystery)


Hidden behind his daily facade,

Is a totally different person,

He puts up a face of cynicsm,

But inside is a different man,

Behind the walls that he's built up,

Is the one I got to know,

The guy who doesn't come out very often,

The one he doesn't let show,

I guess he doesn't want to seem to friends,

Like he needs help; he can't be weak,

But I know that somewhere inside of him,

Is another voice wanting to speak,

Another guy; if you take away the sarcasm,

A scared boy, just dealing with the pain,

A life he wants people to think is perfect,

But inside; what he is trying to contain,

Once I got him to open up to me, only once,

But I have to wonder why,

He picked me, someone he's never even met,

When he should have given his friends a try,

I guess it wouldn't be the same without,

All the persistance and low self esteem,

I just wish he wasn't so close all the time,

Such a mystery: that's what he seems.

~For Christian Ray Oliveros~

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