Into Myself

My darling big sister

This pain you endure isn't right

You've done nothing to deserve it

You've been nothing short of wonderful.

All of this drama affects you

Thus, it affects me

I wish I could sweep away your pain

Take it into my body.

You've been enduring it for a long time now

Longer than anyone should have to

But you've done it, somehow

You're so brave, so strong.

But your strength is wearing thin

And seeing you miserable is hurting me

I want to take your pain into myself

Relieve you of it for just a little while.

I have the strength to deal with it

I'm strong and whole - I can take it

I'd wisk away your pain

And hide it from the world.

Some day I will

Your pain will be my own

Till then, my beautiful Tiger

All I can offer is this.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My darling big sister, when you left the guidance office today, 10-30-07, I went right back to the computer to write this. It took me about five minutes, and it's a piece of crap, but it's something. You know me - I couldn't do nothing. It's just not me. I hate that you're hurting, and I wish I could do more. I love you, darling. ♥

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It's all I need. Thank-you. It wasn't bad and all that matters is the meaning behind it. I love you.