Night Shift

My shift begins

As the stifling heat of the day begins to subside,

I find comfort amongst the thick shadows.

 Advancing like ink escaping a pen

I write a new page of life and death with every action.

Each task is completed with cold, machine like efficiency.

Working through the night.

It’s easier when the dark obscures their faces

As God stokes the fire in the eastern ski

 I lay down.

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nightlight1220's picture

Nice. I work nights as well,

Nice. I work nights as well, and after almost 20 years it's hard to go back to days! Love the poem.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


docstrap's picture

Thanks, I wrote it after

Thanks, I wrote it after coming back in from a night mission in Afghanistan, guess I still had energy left.