Magical Mystery

Oh magical mystery

Take me away

Carry me

Let me walk with you

Through this mist

This Haziness


Fly me through the thick clouds of uncertainty

Limitless are the destinations of the journeys 

You promise me

Oh magical mystery 

I feel free

When you have taken over me

No longer bound

A prisoner

To the lies


Makes the future out to be



Better is your companionship

Magical mystery

So true, so pure and so free

That I'm prepared

To walk, to run a million miles

To flee

To toil over many mountains

To see that which as yet is unseen

A future that is so liberating

So pure, so true and so free

So clear

Where the sun shines with such remarkable warmth and beauty 

That every flower, every shrub and every tree

Breathes the limitless freedom

Your companionship 

Makes me feel

Morningglory's picture

Oh, to love the magical

Oh, to love the magical mystery! Enjoyed this read. Makes me want to head out to the wilderness again. Though the mystery lives just as strong where I am. And boy, is it magical....

Copyright © morningglory

dmml's picture

Thank you so much for reading

Thank you so much for reading my poem:-). I'm glad you enjoyed it. May your life be filled with magical and joyful moments. Love dmml x o x o x