2003-04-02 What do old lovers do

Book: Castle View

What do old lovers do
What do life travelers
Around time's block do
What do we need
No longer star struck
No need to endure
Don't need to secure
As we
In our younger life forces
The sticky membrane that bond
Is gone
The coating you carry
Is worn and thin
The children grown
No need for a parent
The house is paid
No need for double incomes
And sex is not
God Forbid
The only thing to do
In your spare time.
What do old lovers do


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Sounds like a frustrating situation. Maybe, the couple should go to a resort for a weekend to get away and rekindle the romance. It should be the moment they've been waiting for, alone time. I like your style of writing by the way and your word usage. It helps your poem flow smoothly and transitionally. Good job and please keep writing. I'd love to read more of your work.