Dance On

Just a Poem

Make your mind dance on
   Dance on strings of sounds
      Make it lift out and beyond
         All you imagined
            On strings of sounds


Resounding inside the temple
   The temple of your brain
      Flowing between ideas and joys
         All you imagined
            On strings of sounds


Play, finger across a board
   Across a tremor of sound
      Play across a soul
         My heart sings
            On strings of sounds


Make the world dance on
   Dance on strings of sounds.

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Kimberly Parmelee's picture

i just joined this sight, and this is the first poem i have critiqued. i just wanted to tell you that i love this poem. it is written very elegantly and softly. just wanted to give you credit where credit is due. written beautifully.

L. L. Pangan's picture

This is beautiful making me dance right now.