
She laid in her periwinkle room, on the periwinkle spread, 

On a Periwinkle day 

In this periwinkle year of our Lord


Scheming the blueness of her eyes upon him,

She tomes in blue notes, her entitlements, 

In the blue  of her Lord,


Rest assured, the mauve man relented,

Holding his breath to the desired shade of indigo sapphire, 

To please the pavonated princess, perse around the gills,

In the puce year of the hordes,


Now a maroon shade of dying,

He lay at her feet,  

Rhodopsin, Chromochromatic prosaic 

And displeased,

At the periwinkles growing 

Between his eyes.



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and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Excellent write

i look forward to more of this in the fuchsia :)

djtj's picture


LOL Yes in the fushsia there will be moire.