Oil of Synchronicity*

Her life was run on the oil of synchronicity,

planted in the seduction of abstract hypotheses.

The moons and ebbs of tides,

swoop in like thunderclaps

racing in on wing'ed lightning bolts,

capturing energy,

wiping out synergy,

till she huddles in a pile of her own failure,

tucking up her toes to avoid the floods,

admiring and condemning

the rain soaked

howling at her gate.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Planted in replaced by compounded by

swooped In thunderbolts 

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Spinoza's picture

perfectly beautiful


A particularly vivid image...



she huddles in a pile of her own failure,

Tucking up her toes to avoid the floods



Delicate, eloquent, distinctly human – perfectly beautiful



djtj's picture

Thank you

My favorite poem, I believe it captures my life in the first two lines.  A critique I recieved from a cherished source said that planted did not go with the oil theme of my first lines.  I said it was two different thoughts running on oil of synchronicity and planting your life in the seduction of abstract hypothesis. But  Ive considered changing planted to fueled by the seduction. or generated by the seduction...Any thoughts?