Beast of the Moment


The beast of the moment,

Is to see this through.

To understand the format,

But be compelled, to


Mark sudden indifferences

To what I am feeling.

Slowly showing faces

Which I'm not forgiving.


Time Time Time

Passes abhorrent. 

Weakening the water

That once held us buoyant


Finalize and futurized

Look outward for the omen

Metaphorically rhyming

The beast to the moment.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Changed a few words Abhorrently passes to passes abhorrid and I look outward seeking to omen.

Forgiving could be changed to revealing. but would change the meanig too much.  For the sake of Rhyme or content? Thats is the...decision.

Basically theres an elephant in the room but I had agreed to the rules of engagement.  Then I start to notice changes and sides not seen but warned of.  Time marches on and makes the heart less firm in its commitment.  Things change and I look for the sign that changes the elephant to reality.  It is what it is and nothing more...

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Sassylass's picture



isnt a word.Otherwise a nice write.

id re work that line if it were me.But I shouldn't even be critiquing.

you are emoting  those feelings HW

thats what I truly do care about

hugs, Koko


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



djtj's picture


Shakespeare made up words and they call him a genius,why can't I?  Lol. Thanks for pointing it out. When i was learning to write I would get my d's and b's reversed. I was Deddie and my father was Dabby. It was our running joke throughout his life. Maybe in honor of Fathers Day he made his presence known. 
