To Follow

Red, the conqueror
Mighty stumble to his knees
Restraints built only to appease
As lumbering man admits defeat
Uncertain now of direction
A sinking vessel stands alone
In oceans only I have known
And now take up an empty sea

Capsized, now excuse
Should anchors speed to this demise
For life eternal compromised
Once impassioned you lay still
Along with, I follow
Irresolute, it haunts me right
Arrive upon a partnered stride
Solidifying your every will

Unbroken, yet in pieces
A realization we shall wear
Yet appellation never shared
Despite the leeway for retreat
Draw a blank expression
Untimely endings must exist
As tortured souls at once resist
In undertaking final feat

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SSmoothie's picture

Another nice one!

I won't pretend I understood it all, but I sure enjoyed trying! I read it 6 times! Lovely work! Thanks SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Mardigan's picture

"A realization we shall

"A realization we shall wear
Yet appellation never shared"

That's lovely, I enjoyed this. Keep it up.

RaveDave's picture

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.