Powerful Passion

You look into me,

Merging beings.

You gently run your fingers down my back,

Touching each vertebrae as if keys on a piano,

Playing them one note at a time.

Our lips so close yet leaving room for breath.

Teasing each other,

Until our lips melt together like hot honey on warm toast.

Our two separate breaths,

Now sync as one.

Increasing along side with pleasure.

Your hands explore my body.

A true viking,

You leave no area unexplored.

You grab my wrists and push them up over my head.

Taking full control as you press them into the bed.

I wrap my legs around you connecting both my feet.

Our bodies slipping and sliding due to the rise in heat.

You enter and exit my exotic garden,

Us, nearly reaching our peak.

There's only one thing left to do,

Simultaneous release.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am feeling super romantic, rolling with it.

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