
For adults number 13 is unluckey 

But for kids 13 is their destiny

They love to call themselves teens 

With their wordrobe full of skirts and faded jeans

They have attitude which is actually fake

Their passions keep changing without a brake 

Their conversations are full of slangs

and they start calling their small friend circle a GANG

They love to break each and every rule

because they think OH!! its so 'COOl'

They don't take tention of school nowadays

When they know how to wear uniform in different Ways!!

They perfectly know the spelling of GUTS  

As they spent half of their time in PIZZA HUT


Iwill conclude this poem daying in the end that a teen 

is a naughty but a genious and a true FRIEND!! Wink



Student of 8th


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is all for teenagers and all the teenagers are requested to read this . And i also make sure that it will force

adults to remember their TEENAGE

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BeautifullyDawn's picture

omg xD haha perfect

omg xD haha perfect

Love Always, Me(: