My grandfather’s car

My grandfather was a very active man he always liked to be outside. I can remember how he passed every single day of the week helping my grandmother in the garden, teaching my little cousin how to ride the bicycle, took walks with my mother in the park, played with my sister and me for hours outside, and most of all I can remember how he made us toys with material he found in his old garage. One day my grandfather decided to make a car from scratch with the objects he found, and I can remember how when we arrived to visit him the garage was filled with car parts, materials, tools and stuff my grandfather used to use to build us the toys. Later that day, I found out he wanted to build a new Chevrolet car, piece by piece, screw by screw. Naturally, I thought that was an impossible thing to do, since normally cars are assembled by machines, not humans, nevertheless my grandfather. At the beginning my family agreed with me and though that he wouldn’t manage to build a car with his own bare hands, but for our surprise, 5 years later the car was finished and looked like a brand new car, we were all impressed. “Tiburon Blanco n ” was the name he gave to the car, it was a white pickup Chevrolet car with red interiors, it was my grandfather’s fascination, he was always in his car, it was his most precious object. He was so proud of himself, and so were we, he managed to build it with his own bare hands, it was sort of a goal for him, and he did it. Although “Tiburon Blanco” wasn’t a fancy car, all of my family members loved to take it for a spin, and every Thursday in my family dinner, my grandfather told us a new adventure he had lived with “Tiburon”; they seemed to be like best friends. He took care of him like if he was one of his children, and I will never forget how one time my grandfather arrived to my house and suddenly the car spoke “Caution, I’m going back” when he hit reverse, I was so surprised it became an adventure for me sitting in a car that actually spoke, that is something I will never forget. Although my grandfather passed away and although “Tiburon Blanco” is no longer with us either, he will always stay on our minds like a possession my grandfather treated as a human, and as his best friend.

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Lukasz414's picture

car for sale islamabad

My stallion over car decision meant more job for my father and the rest of ... me an elderly, corroded currycomb that have belong to my grandfather.

redzone's picture

Chevy's... life

Great life story... your grandfather was his own man... and his car Tiburon Blanco, as special as he was... I relly enjoyed reading, thanks for sharing.. ~~redzone