
My life I have dedicated
to making others happy
and in so doing
found my own happiness
in return

now in my autumn years
I find all that I gave
except for a few faiures
broght me contentment
and a feeling of accomplishment

yet in these failures
still beat loving hearts
they just aren't able to find
what their pats are
in God's scheme for life

can't bring them to it
they're happy where they are
continuing to make lives
sordid and impure

some are so lost
dont seem to have love in their hearts
act in ways that grieves God's heart
and mine

one claims to be 'ghetto'
and of that he is oh so proud
wants us all painted
with that same tawdry brush

doesn't understand
ghetto isnt always where one lives
but in how one acts

don't want to die like this
want out of my lethargy
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