In Vain

He comes home where he dreads to be

Nothing but the good ol family

it's ruling every part of him

And anger rips right through his veins

People would think that to be in this house hold is for the insane

But I don't think they have the  knowledge of the Lord's strength

He sits down, dreading the hug from his wife

The one who promised to love and charish him

for the rest of her life

Through the thick and thin

She's promised to be with him

And he can't seem to look past his own thoughts

His perspective so warped,

he hates this world, he's so lost

And she tries so hard just to please him

but nothing seems to work

Walls of bitterness trap him in

Scared to let anyone come close

All he can see are his broken dreams

As he continues down this lonely road

He dares not let anyone know

Because of what he could lose

Means too much, he refuses to grow

And he hates the life he has

But whether he will admitt it or not

He tries so hard to find God

But he can't see his own faults

He tries so hard not to fall

Something else he's always finding to break the fall

But he can't see the love so vibrant in his wife

A woman who would lay down her life

And love him no matter what

All he does is bring her down,

He shuts her out

A broken soul cries out

But he disguises it with violence

Cuz he dares not to show a tear

A sad frightening display in front of his children

They begin to cry

He tells them to shut up

Demonic forces intrude

Man the glare, the flames in his eyes protrude

Hating this life, he just vegitates never explores

the adventures the thrills this life can have in store

The ones who are willing to help

He just scatters emotions all over the floor

His kids love him to death

But he refuses to take that next step

In growing completely in their lives

He just sits alone at night and cries

He doesn't know what life offers

He just sits and wonders,

about what this life has to offer

Cuz he is tired and stressed

Is my life over yet?

I'm filled with such regret

Never finding a purpose

I'm just in way over my head

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Kaitlyn Rouhier's picture

Wow, very powerful and well written. \m/ - Aya