Three Months

I always thought this was a fleeting thing

A companion for me? Life would never bring

So many times I had been easily deceived

But the day that I met you I finally believed

Distant at first, but as time cast its spell

Closer we became and further in love I fell

In my heart and mind you constantly reside

Darkness engulfs when your presence is denied

All control was lost; I had to make you mine

Our first kiss was as intoxicating as wine

That night, I knew my life would forever change

And once it did, it did not feel at all strange

So here we are now, three months to the day

I made you a promise that I am here to stay

Yes, sometimes my actions may seem a bit wacky

Always keep this in mind: I love you Jackie

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That was a really good peice. Hope you and Jackie are doing good. Great detail and rhyme scheme!! God blessings