Whispering Winds


No way can you, live in fear

Only those who seek not life do

Wisdom of ages passed into this now

Now we begin to waken from the slumbering

Slumbering giants in a deep cave moving slowly

Slowly comes the ebbing tide unto the ever distant shores

Shores filled tears of apathetical passer by wondering what

What granted rights unto the beast to present knowledge here

Here we are you and I lost in some frozen game of knowing the


Name the pennace for simply living, is it your way or perhaps

could it be

Be well in your own quest for my path lies all around me, worn

are my feet

Feet once of clay, no longer for a new hero hath risen to the

reigns of the steed

Steeds rushing by in all of natures charm, no need in alarm for

we shall coral them

Them that stand laughing in the faces of hangman oft forget

themselves to be but humble

Humble words given you in open discoursive reflection, if

offensive turn away as is most oft

Oft we do not hear the whisper, now we do and we seek to quell

it's herald whom lifts it to the high

High upon living in pure freedom now ebbing back, the waters so

silent here upon this still given beach

No way can you, live in fear

Benjamin K. Badgley

June Tuesday 19 2001

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