Dark Prophesy III: Islamicide



Ass-ending muslim prophet
Emerging from The Well
Decapitate Mo-ham-mad
Send him plunging into Hell!
Replaced with pigskull head
Smeared with the fatwah of swine
Impaled Abaddon's sword
Ignited in Hellfire
Shaitan's scepter Pitchfork
Held upon the temple's peak
Humiliation for the world to see...!


Corpse within the sow cadaver
Another crucifixion
Bending over, so much sheep
Bow to the gods defeated
koran inserted deep
Bestial remuneration
Daemonic Djinn set free...!

Unveil the sinful vices
Hidden within her lust
Hijab stained with seed
Sweetest of Lilith's harlots
The Sinful Sultan's Harem
Serpentine desires released upon the wind
Cast off thine chains of tyrants
And join The Devil's din!

The slaughtered mullahs
Hanging from their guts & turbans
Blood of Allah stain the sands
Maskim Xul takes command
Crescent turned to...
The horns of Iblis to sacrifice!
The sky aflame with Evil Eyes!

The sheeple turning round & round
Ring around the rosy death
Counterclockwise widdershins
Muezzin reversed, necrotic voice
The call of destruction burst
Mecca explodes and burns!




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Vlad Tepes. Plunging the depths of another Black Mass to execute dimensions of blindlight. No god stands before Myself. Bow before the glory of The Satanist!

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