Just Me

I may not be dressed in bows, or have a face like a summer rose.

I may be an unblossomed flower, one on my own.

I may not be loud, or stand out in a crowd.

I may not give orders, or be the class clown.

I may not be the one everybody knows, the one that's got the trendy clothes.

I may not be brainy has smart as Einstein.

But at least i know who i am and i like being JUST ME!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my sister - remember it's always better to be yourself. xx

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heatherburns35's picture

Be yourself. You don't need to try to be like other people. You are unique, in yourself. Develop your
own style of poetry. Be yourself, that is what makes you
the person that you are.

Alison Beighton's picture

i realy like this one as it like wot happens today in life its true wot you say i think you should become a poet as i think you will be good at it thanks you for inspiring me
alison x