Sent From Above


My love for him is deeper than the sea,

if only he knew how much he means to me..

I love him so much, that I can't sleep..

And during the day, I sit and weap.

I wish I was with him, I miss him so much..

I can still remember his gentle touch..

I remember when he looked at me,

With that expression on his face..

His eyes so sparkly, and a look of grace..

At that moment, my life fell into place..

And I knew he was the one who deserved my love..

Because I knew.. that he was sent from above.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when I was an angsty 10th grader.. While in secure treatment. There was a someone I often thought of, in my spare time.. (which was quite often).. I was locked in my room, with nothing but my pens and paper.. so, I wrote poetry.. this is one of the poems I wrote.

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Greg Lee's picture

Hi! Let me just start by saying you are REALLY talented. But i'm sure you already know that. I've read through your poems and they all sound amazing. In my opinion, your the most talented writer i've read on this site so far. Your chose of words was beautiful espeically on this one.. Thanks for all your works.. keep it up! bye