Little Raver Boy


He has a beautiful soul..

It's a shame no one can see..

But I can.. I can see it so clearly..

It's so easy for me..

It shines through his eyes like prisms..

lights up his little face..

Anyone would feel in heaven,

Just to be in his embrace..

he may be a little bit different..

Unique in his style..

How I wish people would get to know him..

And put aside their judgement for a while.

In my opinion, he is amazing..

from his head to his toes..

How dare those foolish people

Make fun of his bright colored clothes..

He's got beads up to his elbows..

and a sparkle in his eye..

an angelic look about him..

almost makes me want to cry.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

your poems have viualized effect... i can see the pictures you made in words,,, its a good poem too