Angels shining mistake

Rain splashes upon my windshield

shattering into a million droplets,

They chase each other to the top of the glass.

I start to wonder where this rain

actually started, why it lands so lightly

upon the earth where I drive.

Is there a little angel that sits upon a cloud

molding together tiny droplets making rain,

gently working with them so they don't break?

Does she put all her carfully crafted drops

into a giant pail which will soon fill

to the top, sparkling with perfection?

When this little angel picks up the pail,

Does she try to run to her father to show

him what she has made just for him,

With each eager step she makes, do

her hand start to slip and loose hold,

dropping her artwork, sprikling to earths ground.

Do these illuminating beads bring smiles

upon faces from the children, causing

the angel to craft some more and more.

If ther is a rain angel out there,

bringing happiness to this world,

Thank you for this joy my rain angel

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Melvin Lee's picture

Very thought-provoking and interesting questions u posted there, Tommy... i especially like the ending stanzas, a fitting sense of wonder and bemusement...and also, having a peacefulness in them,... Smilesz... thanxs for sharing these thoughts.