What I Miss

Oh how I miss the gentle hug of a woman

And her touch as she carressed my skin

Holding her close to me through the night

Hoping that the night would never end

Oh how I miss gently holding a womans hand

Hand in hand, all in the world seemed right

Holding hands each and every place we went

And as we drifted off to dream each night

Oh how I miss the sweetest kiss of a woman

and the look of love in her beautiful eyes

As it would thoroughly warm my entire heart

Even on the coldest of cold winter nights

Oh how I miss hearing the words "I Love You"

And so much I miss a womans adoring smile

There's nothing more beautiful than a happy lady

And it would always make my day worth while

But now I sit here in quiet reflection

Sad, and feeling as though completely alone

Is there to be another out there for me

or am I destined to be forever alone

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