The Dream

What if life is just a dream

And nothing is what it seems

Each night when I close my eyes

I’m transported to the other side

Just to think that that’s the dream


What if all of this is in my head

Will I awake there when I’m dead

Will I open my eyes to see

All my departed friends and family

Or will I see something else instead


If this is a dream when did it start

Is it a collective of which I’m a part

Or is the dream of life simulated

The trials leaving me so frustrated

To awaken to find it’s a piece of art


What if life was just a grand stage

That we act upon until we go away

What was the story all about

And if my character was written out

Would you remember the part I played

What if this stage we no longer shared

And I awoke to reality over there

I would miss you my friend

And until I see you again

In this play, I hope you fare well

Yes my friend, I bid you farewell

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I contemplated whether life was a play in which we all play apart, or if perhaps it is but a dream. It also explores the concept of the possibility of life being a simulation, and the idea that we might see the ones we love who have passed again someday. It also expresses a wish for the end of this play or my "simulation."

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