Where to go?

You feel you are so sure
That nothing can deter this
The feeling you hold deep inside
Yet it seems to change
But still you try and try
And convince yourself
Everything is still the same

You go and remember the old times
and you pray and pray
and keep on telling yourself
It will all be Okay

Another hour goes by
Another day
And here you again
Back in the same rut

So what do I need
What do I want
How the hell do I
Get myself back up

Some things are just not meant to be
Yet you want them to
You tell yourself
That the issue maybe is you

Yet again you try
You keep sweating it out
Pushing all those doubts
To the back of your mind
Yet you know they will resurface

So put on that face
Go ahead and smile
It's what the world wants to see
So let's just pretend for a while

You can try to mold me
Tell me what you want to see
My rope is only so long
And I'm almost to its end

So when is it time to go?
When is it time for me to say
Just one word, "No"

But how do I come to this
How can I make myself utter that one word
Why am I so afraid
If I say that, you will go

That the earth will tremble
And I will be so utterly alone
Wind up just how I was
Before you came along

How have you become the centerpiece
Of my life, of my happiness
How did I let you in so deep
And yet on the edge
Of crumbling to nothing, again

I'll just sit in this room
Convince myself tomorrow's another day
Just like I did the day before
Stuck in this illusion
That I can't survive without you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

First poem I have put up here...wonder people's thoughts on it. I just write to let my emotions out, I know I am not a great writer by any means...but glad for this site!

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SSmoothie's picture

My what a good poet you are!

This is beautiful, in structure, word, deed and thought! I loved this piece and hope for viewing many more! I love the fact that it is open ended enough to allow the viewer thier own personal relationship with the poem and actually take it on board. I framed it in the form of a personal struggle as i read it and it gave me peace. Great write! Thanks! Kindly SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

cubsciroc's picture

Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your kind words! I use to write poems alot back in high school, I haven't written one in years though. Have a wonderful day!