Random Questions


Do you ever feel like you have no worth?

Like no one will care if you drop..

Do feel like your being used?

Like for something of great importance...

Do you cry yourself to sleep every night?

Knowing that no one is there for you...

Do you hear the same stuff day after day?

From your friends and your parents...

Can you ever really trust someone?

Whether someone tells you can or not...

Will you ever be loved more than a friend?

or are you only good for just a friend...

Can you ever make the pain stop?

or is it like this for forever...

How do you know when life gets better?

does someone come and tell you that the worse is gone..

Can I really place this bag over my head?

Or is the next day going to be better...

Is there some guy out there that wants me?

or am I put on this earth to be a nun...

Why do chicks always have to be perfect?

and guys can be in any shape or form...

Why is there no end to these question?

and why can't ever get a good answer!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This isn't a poem that rhymes..its just tons of questions running through my mind..all poems don't have to rhyme!!!

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