Cheating and Lying


First it was just chit-chat over the internet,  with dad and her then they had a drinking bet. He sent her flowers, then they talked for hours.The Dad said he went on a business trip, but it was just  another tip.A tip for where he was going and where he has been, another lie to  Mom and to God another sin.He was really meeting Kim, she said she really needed him. Dad was already takenhe lied to everyone and was faking.They both had  sex with him, they had no idea what he was doing to them.He said he was single, then Kim always had our phone on a jingle.Once Mom answered and Kim is on the phone,Kim thought  Dad was all alone.He was caught in another lie, for a while Mom said goodbye.He told Mom that he wasn't talkin to Kim any longer,trying to bring back his family and make it stronger. But now he lost his daughter and is raising his sons, two teenagers, and still having fun with strangers.All this started because of his lies,  now his children will pay with their cries.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My dad was cheating on my mom and this is basically how it went..

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crystal_chicka2006's picture

nah its had nothin to do with it..I guess my dad was just being a guy and wanted to see what else was out there because you think about it him and my mom have been together for 19 years ever since my mom was 15 and he was 18. When ya'll are that young you suppose to be partying (like we do) and just chillin wit yo friends not gettin involved!!!

Apryll Bruner's picture

Hey girl!! Ima hella sorry about your mom and dad!! U know what I am talking about :( I cant say i completely understand how you feel but i kinda do... Ima sorry that that shit happened! But this is a very good Poem.. keep it up and member Ur always the girl in da hood :P