come and get it




~ imPRESSions ~


View arqios's Full Portfolio
sonnysblueridge's picture

A perfect picture in the mind

A perfect picture in the mind reading this haiku. a wonderful introduction to the artform. 

arqios's picture

Thank you kindly sbr. Your

Thank you kindly sbr. Your visit and kind words are much appreciated.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

patriciajj's picture

All the delicate beauty and

All the delicate beauty and focused ambiance one expects from haiku, but this one powerfully engages the senses in a picturesque setting at the end of day. I could see, hear and feel so much from a sprinkle of details and one highly symbolic star. A pastoral delight.

arqios's picture

There is that beauty in the

There is that beauty in the pastoral that comes together quite elegantly with haiku. Thanks kindly patriciajj.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver