bedtime symphony



bedtime symphony


~imPRESSions ~


Author's Notes/Comments: 

thinking of wynken, blinken and nod

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patriciajj's picture

Each stanza pulled me deeper

Each stanza pulled me deeper into a visually transporting trance with a skillful economy of words and stunning eloquence. As moonlight "pirouettes" in a vast and thrilling blindness, you meditate upon a soul-soothing hope.


Enchanting solace for the mind and spirit. Simply wonderful.


arqios's picture

Thanks Patriciajj, it is

Thanks Patriciajj, it is quite the thing when this soul-soothing hope arises. Your kind words are likewise always appreciated, Smile.


here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver