A test

Someone I knew just died today

I remember when I was small

He would give me high fives

Making me jump up to make contact

A test

I then grew

Taller than him in fact

I was old enough

No more childish high fives

Just conversations

And quick glances

Sometimes a question

A test

But now he's gone

To a better place

Cancer had the last laugh

No-one is laughing now

"You never know what you have until it's gone"

That’s what they say

But in truth

You do

You understand that a fellow human being is going to be gone soon

I hear on the news about cures for cancer

None worked for him

Oh it was just a trial

A test

To see how much he could take

During these times they didn’t pay attention to the other parts of his body

They didn’t see the cancer spread from his chest to his spine

They didn’t see it metastasize

To his brain it spread like a brushfire

He started passing out at random times

That’s when they finally checked

They put him in hospice today

He passed on today

A test

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A person very dear to my heart passed on today. Sorry if its poorly written. I just... this was the only way for me to express how I feel. I might fix later, but for now im gonna go, and do whatever... 

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nightlight1220's picture

I imagine, a cathartic write.

I imagine, a cathartic write. Very heartfelt as well.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "