
Sometimes they must be overcome

Sometimes they can't be overcome

They are like an everlasting uphill climb

And when the mountain doesn’t look natural anymore

You believe that you are the one building it up farther

Nothing else matters except for the perception of time as it passes

When you try to try

You might not succeed

The mountains may push you to the bottom where you lie staring at the hill in front of you

That as you climb, enigmatically shifts

So why keep trying, if when you do, you end up at the bottom no matter what?


Because if at first you don’t succeed, you're doing it right

Because if the second time you don’t succeed, you learned from the first time

Because if the third time you don’t succeed, you know that you cannot and will not be pushed around

Because you are stronger than anyone can fathom

Because you haven't changed your perspective

Because you, are you, and that’s all you'll ever need to be

Change your perspective and don't let the mountain overcome you

Look down at the mountain ad if you were the one towering over it

Look up and you'll be climbing up

Making yourself climb is not the problem

It is your perception

Your inception

Because when you finally reach the top

You are only halfway

At a checkpoint that can steal all that ever once was of you

Make it to the bottom of the mountain and you may find yourself falling

Falling into a pool of water

That cleanses you skin and refreshes your soul

For when you look up there is just another mountain for you to climb

A different mountain

There is no "repeat steps 1-3" in life

And challenging the mountain only pulls you closer to the bottom

And closer to your past


The ones you cannot trust

The ones that you hate

The ones that you need to defy

Despite your pain

You will overcome those mountains

It’s a matter of perspective VS challenges

That makes you strong

Because if you haven't caught on by now

It's all a test

Author's Notes/Comments: 

if you want to print out feel free to, i am not old enough to ask for money lol.

please enjoy.

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daylight's picture

To be honest seeing this and

To be honest seeing this and considering you're like around my age, is truly inspiring , it's nice to know there are other kids like me out there, who can be just as inspiring thank you, and thanks for helping me catch on.

Remember that you're waking up to daylight tomorrow, and that's something beautiful.....

crimsonsilence's picture

I wrote this when I was quite

I wrote this when I was quite depressed, its kind of how I got over it. I honestly don't know where the inspiration came from, and still I cannot fully comprehend what I was thinking when I wrote this.

daylight's picture

Sometimes it;s just like that

Sometimes it;s just like that like hangovers (hear me out) You got so drunk the night before, and the next morning remember about othing that happened except of having a fucking amazing time. This time you kind of blacked out, only to come back and realized you made something beautiful, and bro, that's awesome. We don't need to remember the pain, just the outcome.

Remember that you're waking up to daylight tomorrow, and that's something beautiful.....