Becareful What You Wish For

Shut that window before you open the door.
Don't make others pay for the ones before.
Put yourself up on your own pedistal.
Love isn't forever its nevermore.

Becareful what your wish for.

Only your own heart you should care for.
It'll never be like it once was before.
Prince charming isn't real.
Don't expect anyone to rescue you.

Live your life the way you deem fit.
Achieve your dreams and never quit.
Pain doesn't hurt as much anymore.
We grow more immune as we get older.

Becareful what you wish for.

Why do we want what we cannot have?
When we're better off being alone.
Find your happiness from within.
A strangers embrace will never feel like home.

Don't care what the others have to say.
They haven't walked one day in your shoes.
Remember tomorrows a brand new day.
If you need a sign,take this as your cue.

Becareful what you wish for.

Because infatuation might just get the best of you.
Learn to swim before you dive right in.
This is real life it isn't the kiddie-pool.
Its better to tip-toe right in.

Love yourself first and foremost.
Remember our body is just the host.
Admire inner beauty more than the physical.
The soul of a person is what you fall for.

Becareful What you wish for.

One day that fantasy might just come true.
Don't expect it to make you un-blue.
I've learned that life isn't that perfect.
We all tread through our own bullshit.

Learn from your mistakes lived.
Take these lessons as blessings.
Cause' They'll just make you stronger.
Then you'll feel lonely no longer.

Becareful what you wish for.

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nicely penned

wisdom noted