Possess This Nightmare

Older stuff

Taken in by the hand of light

Cutting the darkness, no more to be seen

No longer encumbered by the fright

No more need to holler and scream

Releasing the tension held on for so long

Ripping apart all the useless stress

Working through the problems, becoming strong

No more of the useless selflessness

Grab a hold of the sanity, clear as day

Risks and oppertunities to repair what is done

Realizing the efforts put into it is just a stray

Enjoying life, just for the little bit of fun

Standing tall and proud of everything won

I reach the clearing and get everything I hope for

Enjoying this wonderful life keeping up to run

The plaguing nightmare that once consumed, is no more.

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babe1233's picture

wow jiffy hunnie that is deep man you are a great writer you make me cry laugh smile when i read you stuff please keep writin
xoxxo love babe always