Back Then

Life was so much easier back then
Back when we’d hide up in the tree
Until we got back from camp
Ran around in the playground
Until we got cramps
We’d smile and laugh all day
It was so much easier that way

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about being a kid/primary school

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cassiebee's picture

i know this feeling...

this is definitely a thought i've very often had come to my head. i know what you mean. i miss being a little kid when you didn't have to worry about how you look, what 'brand names' you dress in, or what people say about you. all youu had to worry about was what the snack for tomorrow was going to be and what game you would play at recess. i miss those days. thanks for posting this:) i love it:)

The Princess in Waiting


connor_27's picture

thanks! yeahh, that's what

thanks! yeahh, that's what it's about. I'm glad you like it

cassiebee's picture

you're welcome. i re-read

you're welcome. i re-read that so many times just because i loved it so much!

The Princess in Waiting