To The One I Gave My Heart To

Love And Hate

At one time in my life

I needed you so much

I lived for your smile and died for your touch

I looked into your eyes and rejoiced

But now you've left my heart and mind

And you've left all the pain behind

I want our relationship to end

I don't want you any longer, not even as a friend

Although I'll always love you and...

remember all the fun we had

You're still the sorry bastard

Who hurt me real bad

You were a great boyfriend, I have to admit

But, Baby, when it comes to being a man...

               YOU AIN'T SHIT!


Author's Notes/Comments: 

To my bastard that i gave my heart to when i was 16 till 19 THEN poof!!!!!!!

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Noelle S's picture

wow, that's sad, and kinda scarry b/c i have recentaly given my heart to a boy...and i'm almost 17.....i've always been weary about falling in love, but it seems like it just couldn't have been helped, i'm sorry that something like that happened to you, i enjoyed the poem, and hope that i don't ever have to write one like that