World War 3

The threat of a lifetime,

George Bush made to Suddam.

Get you and your family out

Or we’ll go in sane!

Get your people out,

For this I am alerting

You with.

America is going to attack.

We’re going to be in Baghdad,

Kuwait, we’ll be here soon.

You’re soldiers will surrender

When they see the red, white and blue.

The fighters are in camouflage,

The lovers are near the screen

Watching, praying askin Bush

To stop being so insane!

We don’t need this war.

Would it come to this?

If you were Gore?!

Please, we’re begging

Just stop this war!!

Many troops have died

From the UN to the US.

From Iraq to the family’s

Heart aches.

It’s not worth fighting for,

Oil… is nothing; it’s not to start war!

Stop this war before it gets worse

Why would you give us such a curse?

It was hard facing World War 2,

The old folks back home say not having a clue

That world war 3 could be here tomorrow.

As their children leave to fight in the quarrel.

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