
A crystal light follows,

as this path seems shallow.

My water falls through,

my mouth turns blue.

This lump in my throat,

keeps pumping like...

I don't want to go on,

my blood drips slowly,

and my body feels sore.

I simply can't change it,

my brain can't rearrange this.

This cage crisis...


I say,

"Don't look at me."

What the hell am I suppose to do.

I don't want to hear it,

it all makes me sick.

It's so hard to be nice now,

and I didn't forget how...

It's them taking it away,

all the lies,

and games they like to play!

I can't sit down,

or even listen to reason...

Everything makes me sick,

and it turns into hatred.

I try to talk,

I even try to listen.

Then I keel over,

and want to die..

cause it hurts so much,

to let this go by!

My stomach churns,

waiting for something else.

Then the next lie comes,

and I can't even help myself!!

So I shut this all off,

and I pray for this misery,

to just go away!

Only God can change this...


I can only do my best,

and be all I can be.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


I pray for my family, and all my friends.

As much as I luv you all...
u need help, and so do I <3

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soulless's picture

This is really good, i especially like the revultions at being god...good work