It's The Freakin Enemy!


These days go by,

and I wonder why,

I still can't breath within.

There's always something that crashes trust,

something that feels too good to be sin.

Can I relive such a moment so broken,

will it regain it's worth,

or has the heart been worn in,

too small to empty it's source.

Standing all pretty,

flowers rise above our heads,

cannibus singing to the mocking bird,

"Come rest on our beds!"

Heaven's quiet call,

has recieved no luck,

our concious & soft footsteps,

cannot hide it at all.

My love must have matured,

because I can't hate no one anymore!

I grew past my mistakes,

and live on for what's next.

I took the easiest way out,

but there's really none that's left!

It's all gonna be hard,

it's all gonna change,

It'll all come crashing down,

with all the force you can take!

When you scream,

I hope it's not for me,

because we're further apart now,

as you can see.

You are my place to rest,

a place to hide,

a place to vent,

to let myself cry!

Please come back,

don't leave,

you're FREE!!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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eee's picture

^^^hahha darling i love you so much.. i want to eat your buttons

........'s picture


u um

not good



jbdfbn iohjpihjpmb,

i lovem your buttons