
        A little bit of me, and a little bit of you.

   A slice of your heart, and a slice of mine'll be so fine.

        Yes, you see, that's what we need to do.

        A pinch of romance and a pint of dance.


        That's a recipe for love.  

        A touch of sharing and a touch of caring.

        We'll put it in the pot, and wait till it gets hot.

        They'll be some churning, and some burning.

        They'll be some yearning too.

        That's a recipe for love.

       It may take a while.  But, we will both smile.

      It will be a good meal.  We love how it makes us feel.

       We won't have to toil.  We'll wait for it to boil.

       We'll wait until it's done, and then it will be fun.


        That's a recipe for love.            

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