
            I stand and look out.

            I give a shout, all about.


              Nobody hears.

              Nobody hears me cry.  Nobody hears me sigh.

              Nobody hears me ask why

              Nobody hears.

       It is looking down at the ocean from a plane.

       Ocean and ocean and ocean.

       It is a enough to cause somebody a serious commotion.

       Mile after mile after mile.

       It all looks the same.

       There is nothing but the sea and the sky.  

   It can make somebody ask, "why oh why?"

  There are some that say, "my oh my?"


       It can drive somebody insane.  

       It is worse than playing the 52 pick up game.


There is darkness all around.  It is so quiet, not even

a sound.

The darkness seems to go on and on.

It is a night.  A long night.  A long night that can give

a fright.

A night when the dawn will never come.

                                  A plain.  

We are driving across the plain.  Wow, it really is a pain.

There is nothing to see for miles and miles and miles.

There are no towns, no cities.

The land is flat.


                  It is really a big, big, big, place.

                  Homesickness, I have a big case.

                  It goes on and on and on.  

                  I am looking out the window.



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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

yeah I have to agree with you unemployment is like looking at the ocean out of a plane, yes I've been in the unemployment office many times over the past few months,I know that silence you talk of and the vast unknowns of what happens next. Don't know what state your in but Im in Mass and unemployment is rampid here and those at the unemployment office who sit nice and cushy on their tushy could careless about the rest of us. Thing is with their arrogant attitudes if not for those lookng for a job they would not have theirs. Amazing co-incidence huh...