
                It's almost the end of the call.

               A high hill.  I feel I am going to fall.

              I ask, "why oh why does this call have to end?"

              I feel I am going to bawl.

              It is worse than holiday shopping at the mall.

               Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.

               My dear, I shed a tear.

               My dear, I have fear.

               I hate to think that the end is near.

               I would love ir if in my ear you would sing.

        Yes, it would be something, I would love to hear.

              Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.

         I love all of our talks.

         We are two boats parked at our docks.

         If we were clocks; there would be plenty of time.

         We are like two hswks flying high in the sky.

         We look down and say my oh my.

             Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.

          We were as fun as shopping at the mall.

          We were a dinner and a dance.

          Where we can dine and prance around.

          It is like being a winner on a game show.

          It is like watching falling snow go.

          In the world we will not have a care.

          It will be like we are at a carnival or a fair.

            Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.

           We were like children who like to hop.

           We are like people who like to shop.

           We are people who walk through the woods on a hike.

           We will never stop.

       We are like drivers going fast looking out for a cop.


            Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.

            Oh baby please, just one more one more thing.


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