The Worst Part


You called me the other night

And said it's over

That we're over

Us. It's gone.

Now I'm wishing that you'd die

Or that I would

Maybe I should...

Get a knife and..nah...

But then, this pain would go away

This pain of hating you

I burned your letters

I deleted your emails

I erased all your phone messages

But I still wasn't satisfied

The pain in my heart, the hatred for you

Was still there.

So I went and gathered every sharp object

I could find

I went into my room

Before I started what would be

My suicide,

I wrote a letter.

Stamped it and put it in the mailbox

With the candles lit and my music on,

I bled all my pain away

My crimson river of regret

Was my only solution

My only way out

The pressure was too much

My vision became blurry

And before my world became black,

My last words were

" love.."

The letter I wrote

It was addressed to you

And by the time you get it,

You'll be at my funeral

The worst part about you is that...

Even though I hate you...

I still love you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Life sucks...

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