save me?

i'm not being hidden

i am loved.

it all in my head

it just the depression 

he pulling away

i'm pushing him away 

he doesn't want any one to know about me
we use to talk all day
now it feels like if i don't start he wont.
i need to feel like i'm wanted
he is not going to do it
it doesn't matter 
it not right to want him to fight for us. 
it is to much to put on him
the wall has broken 
there is only dust remaining
as i pulled him up
he didn't see me cumbling and falling apart
this cold dark wind have blown out my light
i'm falling apart
and i need my wall
who has stepped out 
the flicker of a light left is fading away.
he cant handle what i need
and it's killing me
no more random i love you 
that made me smile 
and feel wanted
i'm not fire to be played with 
so there is no reason to show
his interest in me
i will always be there when he needs me 
so there is no reason for him to show it
it's time to go back in my whole
give up on being saved
Author's Notes/Comments: 


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I hate this poem. Which means

I hate this poem. Which means it is very good. To make me feel empathy? Such a rare thing.