My Mother´s glasses

My mother uses her glasses occasionally, and when she does she usually leaves them in a table in her room. But not always is like that, when she can’t find them my brothers and I are responsible of searching them, we look in the kitchen, in her room, in the living room, in every place we can, even the car. This has happen since I was little, usually before going to family reunions, parties, to the store or any other place, it doesn’t matter the time or the weather, we have to search for them. I know my mom is very distracted person; in fact, she also loses her cellphone, her keys or papers. I think it is kind of funny, but not when she wakes you up at 6 a.m. on Sunday to help her find the keys. Sometimes she would tell us ¨ I can’t find my glasses, I had them in my hand a minute ago¨ and then where I least expect them to be, I find them like in the bathroom or the laundry. There are times were I would turn with my brothers in the task of searching something, in most of the occasions they will pretend they didn’t hear that she was asking them to help so I’m the responsible of finding them. And if we lost something she would even tell us that she is not the only one losing things so that we don’t complain when it happens to her. And telling her that we don’t lose things with the same frequency was an error because now every time we can’t find something she says ¨Again¨. Some of this situations are really funny there was a time where she couldn’t find her glasses and I searched in every corner of the house with my brothers, even in the backyard, and when we were telling her that we couldn’t find them and we realized that all this time she had her glasses in her head. This not only happens in the house but also at her office, others houses and even in the market, this has become a usual thing in my life. My mother can sometimes forget about her things when I least expect it but it is somehow part of her personality and I can’t imagine her without being like that, she says that she can’t lose her head because it is already attached to her body.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is a class assignment

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