The Worry and Wonder

I see them down there:

Ants with anxiety

Hurried and worried 

Scattering from the shopping malls

To the fall formals

Back to the houses they scratched out

When that meant less bleeding for all

—god bless or god less, dealers choice. 


They lead lives

But from up here, you can’t see it.

From up here it looks like spying a cell

From a microscope.

You see bits and bytes go this way,

Then they might go the other

Then stop

— all together 


In this movement we worry 

And then wonder

What might be

—Stupid I know

Even at this altitude we question it

(It’s probably the conditioning)

This all feels like an experiment,

Just rats in a maze.


I collect this data to interpret 

But not before I get a Birds Eye view

Of the surface.

I’m calling you collect from a “Pay Phone”

And it feels like living somehow,

I tipped my hat to a stranger 

And they smiled and waved back

—that’s connecting if only briefly. 

This wonderful feeling felt ground floor

Is something I admire,

If you go too high you lose it all

Just for it to be replaced with cold numbers



Toxicology reports


If I could choose between the two 

I’d pick the hurried and worried 

(The living and the dead)

The wonder they sow but also

—the dread

When life seems less giving 

It’s feeding the soul instead. 

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