mihi spes non deficient

Longer i shall wait for a touch,

for only a tatter of an indication that love is not perished,

for without love i am but an empty recepticle of lonliness,

burdened by an eternity of mourning,

longing for that which shall not return for me,

waiting and watching,

hoping that by even the smallest shred of a miracle that she would return, 

enduring this journey alone,

with not a soul to share a thought,

and yet when my hope has faded,

she returned unto to me,

oh, not even the sun can compare to the warmth of her heartbeat alone,

to the brilliance of her smile there is no equal,

i have taken my journey to the highest of heights,

i have joined my love once again, 

nevermore to wallow in my greif,

and as i witness my final sunset,

the oceans of her tears sooth my soul,

never to lose hope again.

-sublime_poet aka Caleb Moses

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I almost cried writing this piece. Enjoy.

impyshideout's picture

That's beautiful. 

That's beautiful.