
I'm so happy I don't have to look anymore

I didn't watch where I was going

When I fell, I lost sight of the world

Consumed by reveries of August

I looked up to watch the clouds

In reflections of atoms on baby blue canvas...

All I  could see was you

Deep within my daydreams, there was an ocean

splashed with exquisite color

dragons dancing across deep Italian waters

glowing under hazel tinted moonlight

In the silver swirling water...

All I could see was you

In a surreal town with stereotypical people

there was one second where time and spaced merged into one

the space consumed by your body and mine

the smiling bartender and the laughing patrons disappeared

As though leaking through the floor boards

Everything became dark and I melted into you

With souls of lost angels dancing around your smile

I walked through the jungle of your mind

I started on your tongue and worked my way to your heart

Through caverns of sadness, happiness, loneliness

Love, hate, anger, passion, and tranquility

I learned almost instantly to travel by touch...not sight

In the darkness I tripped and fell into you

With a constant beat behind me

A beat I felt but never heard

Perpetual motion surged through me

I watched you lying on a cloud

As I danced in the rain...

when the rain slowed down...

the clouds had soaked through

there began that hazy autumn morning

when I tripped and fell into you

Lost in your eyes, I lost sight of the world

In the darkness and the clouds...

through the oceans and the rain...

I tripped and fell in love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

September 24, 2002

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