For Him

When he whispers, you're sure that your blood turns to ice...

But then why are you warm all over?

You know what he wants, when he kisses the nape of your neck,

And you know what will happen next...

You're going to surrender.

If he's so predictable like that,

Then why do you never know when he'll next call?

You can feel his heart beating next to your breast,

And it makes yours stop for what seems like an eternity.

But you know it wasn't an eternity...

Because it ended.

Even though you prayed for one more minute.

When you're alone with him,

All you can think about is how sad you'll be when you're apart from him,

And when you're apart from him,

The silence is so loud the sound nearly kills you.

You could drink a whole case of him and still be on your feet,

But you know all you are is sex.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How mad I got at him is unbelievable.

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Kris Grula's picture

...very affecting write...nicely done